Friday, December 08, 2006

I bet you're wondering to yourself, as you read this bloggety-blog, 'how does she do it?' And you'd be forgiven for asking because, you know, it's not an easy task living away in a foreign country for a long period of time. The biggest problem? Well, I must be honest, for you good people deserve only honesty, and say that the biggest problem is the TV. Here I am, surrounded by Polish speaking folks and their Polish ways and all I want, all I ask for, is a good British comedy or documentary..... and what do I get? BBC World. Ok so there's news, but let me tell you, I don't want my news being read to me by the ones that didn't make the grade onto the real BBC. Last week I saw a newsreader with sleeves rolled up, slouching on the desk, speaking what can only be described as a very informal style of English. This just isn't good enough for the weary Brit abroad. No, I may be out of the country but that doesn't mean I deserve a lesser quality than those back home. It's more akin to Channel 5 than the good old BBC that I know and love(d). And as for the weather, well, don't get me started. Ok I've started so I'll finish! The weatherman is a Dale Winton wannabe, with his elaborate campness, and he may as well have a sign on his head saying 'Look I'm gay and black and the BBC are so pc and lib that they employed me!' It wasn't for his weatherman skills that's for sure. I expect him at any moment to say 'Charlie Cloud will be covering the whole of Europe, ooh I say, get yer sweaters out!' And that's another thing, the weather reports are like this: 'Over here in Australia it's going to be hot, over here in Asia it's going to be a bit wet and here in Europe it's dry. Now back to you in the studio....' Talk about a summary... So, disheartened with BBC World, I have no alternative than to watch Italian music channels, which are ok, but they're still playing 'Chelsea Dagger' when I want the new stuff. They play Take That though, so that's why I forgive them for all the hip hop and r'n'b.


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