Wednesday, November 08, 2006

With a lack of exciting news to relay to you I am forced to entertain you in other ways, so for your enjoyment, here are some facts that I have learnt about Poland (you see, I'm not a hogger of information, I like to share!).

First of all, Polish is a very hard language to acquire and anybody that does so is a genius! Also, attempts to speak Polish by a foreigner are met with looks of confusion/amusement/disgust (delete as appropriate – depending on which type of establishment said foreigner is in).

Secondly, Poland is governed by a Prime Minister and a President, and they are twins so, as you can imagine, conspiracy theories abound and nobody is sure if they have ever seen both leaders in the same room at the same time....

That's enough facts for the moment, but expect many more fascinating snippets of information to be coming your way to a blog near you soon (that's this one)!

I have been given more groups of teenagers to teach than is necessary for any teacher (one would be enough) and I can tell you that Polish teenagers are very polite but the girls giggle a lot. I get down with the kids though, we talk about Guns and Roses, and Sum 41....At least I have no under 10's to torment me.


Blogger IAmJack'sBlog said...

It's Guns N' Roses.

I have seen Jarosław and Lech Kaczyński together. But I was only sure it was them when they removed the leather masks.

7:49 pm  

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