Thursday, December 14, 2006

You'll be happy to know (but not as happy as me) that my radiator has been fixed so gone are the fingerless gloves and scarf from my round-the-house attire. So even more reason for a celebration. As a tradition we here at the school have a Christmas Carol service in which people sing carols in all different languages. Consequently we have to teach our students some of the most traditional and well-known carols including Santa Clause is coming to Town and Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer.... Well, by this I mean, I stand in front of the class singing along to a CD while the kids look embarrassed and laugh at me. It's great, no really, it is.

Sombre thoughts have crossed my mind recently regarding my progress in grasping the Polish language. I wonder, will I ever advance past being able to ask someone their name? Will I ever really need to say 'I want to post this letter to Slovakia' again? Will I ever really understand the grammar? The answer to all these questions, friends, is no. But yet I persevere. It's an uphill struggle. Am I a glutton for punishment? Well, only time will tell.

Entertainment update. I am now a devoted listener of Anti Radio, the region's alternative music provider. Get this for a playlist, we've just had The Rolling Stones followed by Hard-Fi and then Marilyn Manson! No more need for the TV, see ya BBC World!


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