Friday, January 26, 2007

... the quest for the golden shoes continues, and time is running out. Still, it's good to have a mission; a purpose so to speak. It makes me feel like life is worth living. Added to the pressure of finding shoes is the stress of doing it in a foreign language; however, I did actually purchase a pair of shoes in Siberia and the amount of communication in that transaction was minimal. They just seemed to be happy taking my roubles. So, if I can do it in Russia I can do it here, where the good folks speak English.

Snow has befallen our little town, creating a Chrismassy effect, what with the decorations still being up and all. What is it with these other countries that don't take down their Christmas decorations? Don't they know it's bad luck? So, every day when I walk past the nativity scene in the town square with the snow as a backdrop I have to check my dates, and remind myself that it's nearly February.

It's a time for other kinds of celebrations this week, practically everybody I work with and their boyfriends/girlfriends/friends/relatives are celebrating birthdays. So we raise a glass of vodka for each one, and needless to say, we get a bit tipsy! As a veteran drinker in vodka loving countries I know now how to manage to keep up without passing out/throwing up/getting into a fight and the method is this (learn from me kids, I did it the hard way) – don't drink every time they do, but do one shot for every three that they do. Even when they command in a harsh Eastern European accent 'Drrrink!', don't be intimidated into obeying this order, otherwise you'll have no recollection of anything. If you find this difficult, and the clear white stuff is tempting you to pick it up and just have done with it, just remind yourself of this: It's poison, it's poison, it's poison.....

Anyway, there's no great adventure lurking behind the corner of my weekend, but you never know what might jump out and surprise you. Maybe Morrissey will announce a tour of Poland, or perhaps I'll discover a shoe shop that sells golden shoes, or, just imagine if another popular 90's indie band reforms....wouldn't that be amazing!


Blogger IAmJack'sBlog said...

"It's poison, it's poison, it's poison....."

Is that why you buy me it? 0_o

6:38 pm  

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